This week we have enjoyed practicing our setting descriptions. We began the week learning about fronted adverbials and how we can use these to vary our sentence openers. We then worked in groups to describe the rainforest from our class text, and decided on the animals and plants we would see. We put our descriptions into an AI generator to see what our rainforests might look like and then used this as inspiration for our final setting description.
In Maths Year 3 have been using their 4 times table knowledge to calculate facts for the 8 times table and begin to recall them. Year 4 have practiced recalling the 7, 11 and 12 times tables and using these in problem solving activities.
In Science we learnt about how animals are classified into 5 groups and determined what characteristics would make them a mammal, amphibian, reptile, insect or bird. In Geography we looked at the physical and human geography of Kent and created posters to show the climate, major physical features and landmarks we could find. In computing we looked at cloning and how we could select part of an image and then duplicate it to alter the picture. We really enjoyed our chicken wire workshop on Wednesday, making our own wire birds inspired by the work of sculptor Michelle Reader.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.