Autumn Term 1 - Week 4

Week 4

This week in English, Holly Class have been learning to use adjectives to describe feelings. We read the first part of Oliver Twist and role-played what happened to the point where Oliver was sold to the funeral director. We have then been thinking of adjectives to describe how Oliver might have felt including uncomfortable, anxious and weary from working.

In Maths this week we have been learning to order numbers and compare them.  Year 1s have been using the words 'more than, less than and equal to' to compare and Year 2s have been using the <, > and = signs.

In RE this week we learnt about the Parable of the Good Samaritan. We learnt that the story teaches Christians to help others in need.  In History this week we learnt about the life of Queen Victoria. We completed time lines of important events in her life and learnt that she was a monarch. In PSHE we read a story called 'The Sudden Hill' and explored the emotions the characters felt and how we knew they were feeling like that.