Cherry Class Blog Term 4 Week 3

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our class blog.

Busy busy week, but very enjoyable at the same time. In Literacy, the class had the opportunity to write in role as two different characters from our class text 'Pig Heart Boy' (diary entries and a letter to a surgeon!) We have read the story most days and looked at brief clips of the story from YouTube also.

In Numeracy, Year 6 looked at fractions, decimals and percentages (equivalents) throughout the week. Year 5 looked at these also at the beginning of the week and have now moved onto perimeter.

In Science, we had a fund practical lessons investigating how birds have adapted their beaks dependent to the food they eat. We replicated birds beaks using such items as tweezers, chop sticks, spoons to pick up such food as raisins, grains of rice and worms (pipe cleaners!)

In RE we looked at the concept of forgiveness and how it relates to Jesus and Christians. The children had various scenarios to discuss and to rank how likely they were to forgive. It lead to many interesting discussions. 

In PE Cherry Class continued with their epic dance from the musical 'Grease' and Friday afternoon was spent playing tennis and the girls had a football session, as it was World Women's Football Day.

I look forward to seeing parents next week at parents evening.


Mr J Ramsden