Term 2, Week 1

This week we have been learning about celebrations, developing our knowledge of Guy Fawkes night and Diwali. We have looked at how many people celebration these days of the year and compared them. For example, they both have fireworks to celebrate. The children really enjoyed making safety posters to show how to be safe around fireworks. 

In Maths we have been learning about numbers to 5. We have used concrete, pictorial and abstract. The children were great at developing their number knowledge and working well as a group to sort and match objects and pictures to the correct number. 

We have discussed Halloween and being safe when trick or treating. We touched on stranger danger and being with adults we feel safe with and know. 

In PE we have started our dance topic this term. We are looking forward to having Balanceabilty on Monday 25th November for three days to support your child's bike skills and safety. 

Thank you to all the parents that came to our reading challenge drop in session. We are really excited to promote reading this term. Please take a look at our rainbow challenge board for where your child is. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The EYFS Team.