This week in Literacy we have looked at celebrations. We discussed valentines day and its meaning. We made cards for our loved ones creating the design of our front cover. We used our phonics skills to write our inserts.
In Maths this week we have been exploring length. We had a range of activities, including making short and long using play dough, drawing short and long and measuring our heights. We were great at drawing around each other and seeing who was the tallest and shortest.
In PE we had our last lesson with the PE coach on gymnastics. Please remember next term our PE day is now on a Tuesday. Please make sure you take your child's earrings out for PE.
In PHSE we completed a range of circus skills to carry on with our challenge and resilience skills. We were great at sharing and showing our skills off. We also talked about how proud we were of our achievements and skills.
Lastly please ensure you bring back your child's PE kit and water bottle on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend and half term!
Thank you,
The EYFS Team.