This week Apples and Pears have been busy looking at plants and what they need to grow. In Literacy we created our own bean diaries to show how we planted our beans, what they need to grow and hopefully what they will turn into once they have grown. We also planted some beans in our plant area outside our classroom, so watch out for theses!
In Maths we have continued with number and looked at number bonds to 10 and doubles. We started with looking at a very clever way to work out what the bottom number on a dice would be without looking. If we know the number at the top of the dice we would work this out using this number.
We then used numicon to make our number bonds to 10 and shown clearly that we had two parts to make our whole. We also learnt about doubles and how the amount would be the same. For example, 4 doubled is 4+4.
In PE we have continued with our tennis session and practiced stopping and hitting the ball across to our partner. We worked well in our pairs and took turns. We also our had first session with Commando Joe on Friday. We learnt to take turns, work as a group and accept when we found it a little challenge but become more resilient. The children really enjoyed completing the obstacle course as a team.
Next week, we will be having a teddy bears picnic for snack time with the children on Friday 28th. Please could you child bring in a teddy to have at the picnic.
Have a lovely weekend,
The EYFS Team.