Term 5 Week 4

This week we have continued to look at Jasper’s Beanstalk.  We compared Jack and the Beanstalk to this story.  The children said that they enjoyed both stories.  The children had to think of something that they would like to find at the top of a beanstalk.  They came up with some fantastic ideas.

In maths, we have been looking at shapes. We looked at 2D shapes and how they can rotate and they still appear to be the same shape.  We then made pictures using these shapes.

In P.E., we continued practicing our tennis skills.  We are getting very good at balancing and bouncing the tennis ball on the rackets.

We went on a nature walk and we looked at the plants that are growing in our playing field.  We talked about what plants need to grow.  We also checked on the progress of our sunflowers and we discovered that they are beginning to grow as their stems are now pushing through the soil.

Thank you for all your support.

Have a great weekend