Term 5 Week 5

This week we have been looking at Oliver’s Vegetables.  We have talked about healthy and unhealthy foods.  We created a healthy and unhealthy plate.  We all preferred the unhealthy plate.  We looked at our sunflower plants and they are growing really well.  The children understand what the plants need to grow.  They can’t wait to take them home so they can grow them in their gardens.

In maths, we have continued to learn about shapes. We looked at 2D shapes and the properties of these shapes.  We created different pictures using 2D shapes.

In P.E., we have continued to practice our tennis skills.  We are getting very good at balancing and bouncing the tennis ball on the rackets.

This week we had a real treat, we had balance ability.  We had so much fun!  We learnt to ride and control a balance bike.  We learnt to identify parts of a balance bike, how to get on and off a balance bike and to push and glide the bike.

Today Apple and Pear Class took part in a drama workshop where we went on a quest to find a lost fairy tale book.  We were helped by a fairy and had to hide from the red queen.  We explored our imagination and role-played pretending to be fairy tale characters.  Again we had lots of fun with our learning.

Thank you for all your support.

Have a great weekend