Term 6 week 1

This week we have been looking at the Four Seasons. We talked about how the seasons change and what happens when we move from one season to another.  The children were very good at describing the characteristics and features associated with each season.  Many of the children said that their favourite season is Summer because it is hot, and they can go to the park to play on their bikes with family and friends.

In Maths, we have continued to look at sharing and grouping.  We discussed what is fair and unfair when we share an object between two or more people.  We also looked at odd and even numbers, the children looked at what defines an odd and even number and how they differ from each other.

In P.E., we have begun practicing for our sports day.  We have rehearsed the relay race, running as a team, practicing handing over the baton and sprinting as hard as we can to the finish line.  We are all looking forward to practicing the egg and spoon race next week!!

Thank you for all your support.

Have a great weekend

The EYFS Team