Term 1 Week 2 13.9.24

In literacy this week, we have started to read Goodnight Mister Tom. We are watching the film and will be reading some of the book. We have written a character description for William and wrote a diary entry for his arrival in Little Weirwold, when he met Mister Tom.

In maths, both Year 5 and 6 have been exploring place value and the number system. We have been learning about the powers of 10 and writing numbers in both numerals and words.

In science this week we have been comparing the life cycles of animals from the different animal groups and discovering their similarities and differences.

In history, we have been looking at the chronology of significant historical events and consolidating our knowledge of when they took place in relation to each other.

In computing we have continued to explore systems and how they are used.

PE is on Thursday and Friday this term. We are learning Basketball and Football.


Friday 20th September at 9.00am is our first class assembly. Parents and carers are all welcome.

Children should have their passwords for TTRS and EdShed now. Please encourage your child to go on theses apps regularly.

Well done to all of the Year 6 children who sat the Kent Test this week. You can be proud of yourselves.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Rackley and Mrs Stokes