Welcome to Cedar Class' blog for this week.
For English, we have enjoyed writing stories based on The Highwayman poem using all of our learnt knowledge. The stories have been very impressive.
In Maths, Year 5 have been looking at subtracting fractions. We moved on to looking at subtracting fractions that ‘break the whole’, too. Year 6 have looked at measurements, uses of measurements and how to convert measurements, including metric and imperial measures.
In Science, the children enjoyed combining different animals to create a new one. A lot of fun was had in creating these hybrid animals; it was lovely to see so many children enjoying this session. We used SwitchZoo to explore this, go on and try it.
In DT, the children have now built their bridges – the children were so creative with their ideas and resources. They look amazing.
In PE, we continue to look at tag rugby and the children are using their newly learnt skills to play a game of Tag Rugby.
Some children went out yesterday (5th December) and represented the school in football; well done to all for showing respect to other adults and children during this time. Plus, a big congratulations for winning your match!
REMINDER: PE uniform is:
- Plain black shorts
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms (winter)
- Plain black sweatshirt or blue school sweatshirt (winter)
- T shirt in team colour
- Black trainers or plimsolls.
Children should not be wearing football kit or clothing with large branding on. Please do talk to the class adults if you need to discuss uniform issues.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Rackley, Miss Stokes and Mrs Clark