Term 2 Week 6 13.12.24

What a busy week we have had. 1 more week left.
Yesterday was Christmas Jumper Day, and I must say, the children looked absolutely amazing in their colourful jumpers. Their cheerful spirit truly brightened the day!
In our Year 5 maths lessons, we wrapped up our unit on fractions. We moved on to Roman Numerals and created our own Maths board game for the last few lessons of the week. Meanwhile, Year 6 have done amazingly by learning about ratios and fractions. They have enjoyed this and have been very successful.
In Literacy, the children showcased their learning with their hot write poems. They had an opportunity to write a poem about a river using all of the knowledge they have learnt this term.
In Science, we embarked on an exciting project, planning games based on our classification learning—what a fun way to reinforce our understanding! Next week we shall make them.
Our DT lessons allowed us to complete our bridge making ready to evaluate.
In Geography we compared the Mississippi River to the River Thames.
In PE we continue with Tag Rugby and our fitness lesson this week had a festive theme which was great fun.
In PSHE, we delved into emotional regulation, tying this into our Zones of Regulation in class.
 Just a reminder 
Christmas Dinner is on Wednesday 18th December. This should have been pre-booked.
KS2 will be singing Christmas song to parents at the end of the day on Thursday 19th December.
Friday afternoon (20.12.24) will be our class Christmas party.
The last day of term will be Friday 20th December and we be welcoming the children back on Monday 6th January 2025!
Have a great weekend
Mrs Rackley. Mrs Clark and Miss Stokes