Term 3 Week 5 7.2.25

In Literacy this week we have concentrated on applying our knowledge and skills to write a formal letter for our assessed hot write. The children pretended to be Mrs Hunter, writing a letter of complaint about the demon headmaster. The children have paid specific attention to the layout of a formal letter, the use of paragraphs and extending their formal vocabulary.

In Maths, Year 5 have been continuing with fractions by multiplying fractions and finding fractions of amounts. The children must know their times tables to be successful in their Maths learning. Year 6 have been learning to use all 4 operations with decimals and solving problems involving dividing, multiplying, adding and subtracting decimal numbers. Year 6 finished the week with an arithmetic assessment.

in Science, we recapped on our fruit battery lesson from last week and recorded our investigation.

We studied Music this week and looked at how different genres have influenced Hip Hop violinist Lindsey Stirling. We listened to her music and the music of others and made comparisons.

In RE we looked at the pilgrimage that Muslims make during their life time. We explored what happens at Mecca and were staggered at how 3.5 million people will go there.

Upcoming Events

  • Science Museum Trip: Thursday 13th March 2025 - information to follow
  • End of Term 3 - Friday 14.2.25
  • Term 4 starts - Monday 24.2.25
  • Staff Training Day: 28.2.25 - school closed

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Rackley, Miss Stokes and Mrs Clarke