What a brilliant last week of term we've had! The children have shown incredible learning.
In English, we wrapped up our book 'The Demon Headmaster' with some exciting newspaper reports about that dastardly villain! The creativity displayed was simply marvellous, and we're all eagerly awaiting the new book, 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell-Boyce that we will be reading next term.
Year 5 has started diving into decimals, learning about those tricky two decimal places and their fraction equivalents. We'll continue this decimal journey after the holidays. Year 6, on the other hand, have tackled decimals and fractions, adding the fun of percentages to the mix. They'll pick up right where they left off after the break.
In Music, the children have crafted shadow dances set to fusion music, which has been a real highlight.
Our Computing lessons have been buzzing with excitement as we explored LED light shows.
In PSHE, we celebrated Safer Internet Day, so do ask your children how to spot a SCAM—they’ve learned some important tips!
Looking ahead, PE will be on Monday and Friday afternoons, starting the first Monday back, so please ensure the children come in to school in the correct PE kit.
Just a quick reminder: jewellery should stay at home.
Next Term Reminders
- Science Trip to the Science Museum on Thursday 13th March. The children must wear school uniform but they can wear trainers. If there are any parents who can accompany us, please do let me know.
- PE days: Monday and Friday
Finally, if anyone would like to get creative and make a solar system for our Science display for the next 2 terms that would be really appreciated.
Well done everyone, for an amazing term! Enjoy the well-deserved break!
Mrs Rackley, Miss Stokes and Mrs Clarke