Welcome parents to our latest Cherry class blog! This is actually my first one from 2025, as I was off school last week, so....................Happy New Year!
In Literacy this week we started our new classroom text called 'The Demon Headmaster' We made predictions and described, in detail, the three main child characters using parenthesis to add details (commas, brackets and dashes).
In Numeracy, Year 6 looked at algebra whilst Year 5 continued their topic linked to multiplication and division. The short division method was introduced on Wednesday (sometimes known as the 'bus shelter' method) and I was pleased how quickly they got to grips with this formal method of division.
Our science topic in Term 3 is linked to electricity and we discussed conductors and insulators and the children had a chance to discuss which circuits would work and which wouldn't and why!
In RE we continued with our learning into Islam and this week looked at the 5 Pillars of Islam and how hard it may be for Muslims to stick to all of them (for example, fasting during day-light hours for a month)
In PSHE we looked at the concept of friendship vs acquaintance and in Spanish we investigated where we live and rooms in a home.
In PE we were lucky to have an outside PE coach, who worked with the children to produce a sequence of balance in gymnastics in the hall. Everyone participated in this session and did so well.
Well done everyone for all your efforts this week, have a lovely weekend.
Mr J Ramsden