Cherry Class Blog 2024 25 Term 3 Week 3

Welcome parents to our latest classroom blog. I cannot believe we are halfway through the term already!

As ever, the children have worked well throughout the week across a range of subjects. We have 'got into' our class text (The Demon Headmaster) in more detail this week and the children wrote two diary entries from the point of view of one of the main characters (Dinah).

In Numeracy, Year 5 finalised their 3-week block linked to multiplication and division, whilst Year 6 continued to consolidate their understanding of ratio.

In PE, the children had another very enjoyable session in the hall mid-week with a PE specialist and they worked through a circuit of apparatus showing their understanding of balances and jumps.

In Science, the class continued with their learning linked to electricity and on Thursday they made circuits with components such as buzzers, motors, switches and bulbs.  They first made predictions and then tested their predictions as to what would happen if for example they had added more bulbs/buzzers etc, to the original circuit.

And finally, this morning we had our class assembly.....! Well done to everyone for speaking clearly, remembering their lines and delivering an excellent assembly. Thank you to the parents and carers who turned up to support their children, it is appreciated.

Have a good weekend

Mr Ramsden & Miss Harris