Welcome parents and guardians to our latest Cherry Class blog.
It will come as no surprise to anyone who reads these blogs regularly to 'hear me' say that this week has been another busy, productive one! In Literacy, we are now about one third of the way through our class text 'The Demon Headmaster' and are discovering more and more each day about the weird and wonderful goings on at the particular school where the story is set. This week the children had a chance to investigate the features of a formal letter and write a letter of complaint to the Headteacher from a very angry parent!
In Numeracy, Year 5 looked at fractions, in particular fraction multiplication, whereas Year 6 investigated decimals, in particular rounding, adding, subtracting and multiplying.
In RE this week, we looked again at Islam and investigated the concept of giving and charity, in particular voluntary contributions that Muslims may give as part of the third pillar of Islam.
We have a very unusual Science lesson this week, whereby we used fruit (lemons and limes) to investigate whether an electric current would pass through a circuit of fruit to light up an LED bulb (albeit faintly, it did!!)
In PE, we were fortunate again this week to benefit from the expertise of an outside PE specialist. Cherry Class again 'did' gymnastics, but more of the larger apparatus was used, which they all thoroughly enjoyed.
Computing this week was especially fun, as we used mini-computers (called Micro:Bits) to programme a series of code to light up a NeoPixel LED strip light. We drew the curtains and at times it resemble a disco in the classroom (without the music of course!)
Have a great weekend everyone, take care.
Mr J Ramsden and Miss HarrisĀ