Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our latest Cherry Class blog.
We have just completed our penultimate week of Term 3 and as ever have busy across a wide range of subjects in the National Curriculum.
In Literacy, we continued reading and 'unpicking' our class text, The Demon Headmaster. The children had a chance to both plan and write a letter from the point of view of a very angry and aggrieved parent, voicing her concerns to the Head of Governors with regards to the irregular events occurring in her child's school!
In Numeracy, Year 5 finished their topic block linked to fractions whilst Year 6 investigated multiplication and division of decimals.
In RE, we continued with our topic linked to Islam and looked at the 5th Pillar of Islam which links to pilgrimage to Mecca.
We had an enjoyable Music lesson this week looking at music snippets and identifying the musical genres (e.g. rock, folk, dance, classical) and finding similarities and differences. We even did some singing at the end of the lesson.
Mr Gear, an outside agency PE coach, again spent time with the children Wednesday afternoon in the Hall, setting up an interesting gymnastics carousel of events including climbing apparatus!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Ramsden and Miss Harris
P.S I have booked, this week, a trip to the Science Museum in London on Thursday 13th March. We will travel by coach leaving at 9am and the aim is to leave by 3pm to be back around 5pm at Park Way Primary School. The children will need a packed lunch for the day and at least one drink. The cost of the trip is £20 and is payable on-line via Scopay. More details to follow!