Greeting one and all to our latest classroom blog.
This week in Literacy we used our excellent class poetry text "The Highwayman" to help write a story. We planned it earlier in the week and wrote it over three days, using the features from the original poem such as similes, metaphors, alliteration and repetition.
In Numeracy this week, Year 5 have been looking at fraction subtraction. In particular looking at numbers greater than one such as improper fractions and mixed fractions. Next week we will conclude our fractions learning and finally put fractions 'to bed' as we have been studying them all term! Year 6 looked at measures this week, in particular length and weight.
In Geography on Monday we compared two important rivers (the River Thames in the UK and the River Mississippi in the United States) looking at similarities and differences. One obvious difference is that the River Mississippi contains alligators!!
In RE this week we looked at shared values between Christians and Humanists and looked at the concept of 'peace'.
We finally got to make our bridges this week and the class enjoyed the chance to use saws and glue guns to construct their masterpieces. They painted them today and will evaluate them next week!
Have a great weekend everyone, two weeks to go!!
Mr RamsdenĀ