Hello everyone and welcome to our week 2 blog.
Cherry Class have been as busy as ever with their learning this week over a range of subjects. This week we started our new class text, a classic poem called 'The Highwayman' We investigated the language of the poem and summarised the meaning of the opening 5 stanzas.
In Numeracy, both year groups continued with their fractions lessons, especially the use of fractions greater than 1 (improper fractions and mixed numbers).
We have been looking in science at animal classification and we used classification keys and a series of yes/no questions to classify animals (and to play an enjoyable warm up retrieval activity of 'Guess Who?'!)
Our topic this term is 'Go with the Flow' and earlier in the week we had a lesson linked to the stages of the river from its source in the mountains to its mouth into the sea. The children had a chance to draw their own representation of the river stages and accompanying explanations.
In RE, we looked at non-religious groups (especially Humanists) and looked at their beliefs and attitudes to life.
In PE yesterday, due to the rain we went inside and started the lesson with some yoga and then moved onto a very active fitness session, whereby the children were engaged in a carousel of timed fitness activities such as skipping, sprints and sit ups!
Have a good weekend everyone, just a reminder for everyone to bring a coat to school everyday as the temperature is starting to drop now.
Also Parents Evening is next Tuesday and Thursday after-school. Please sign up on-line or see the Office or myself if you are unable to log on.
Mr J Ramsden