Cherry Class Blog Term 4 Week 5

Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone to our latest (and penultimate!) blog of a busy Term 4. I cannot believe how quickly this particular term has whistled along and that we only have five more days at a school after today before our Easter holidays and the start of the summer term!

In Literacy this week we continued with our amusing space story called 'Cosmic' and the children had the opportunity to plan and write a new chapter based on an incredible new roller coaster ride. They used techniques taught throughout the term such as the use of figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification) to bring their ride 'to life'.

Both year groups looked at statistics this week in Numeracy and concentrated on drawing accurate line graphs with appropriate scales, plotting the data carefully and also interpreting it (answering questions and then writing their own linked to data).

In RE this week we looked at cathedrals, including Canterbury, and discussed how they were both similar and different to a mosque.

In Science, our focus was on the Moon and the children produced some learning, in a style of their choosing, based on this incredible natural satellite. 

We also enjoyed a history lesson earlier in the week based on the constellations (patterns of stars) and investigated how many of them are named after Ancient Greek heroes, and mythical creatures. 

Have a great weekend everyone

Regards, Mr Ramsden & Miss Harris