Term 1 Week 2 blog 13 09 24

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our first 'proper' Cherry Class blog!

I will write a blog every Friday afternoon, detailing some of the learning that Cherry Class have been engaged in throughout the week.

In Literacy, we have started our new text (Goodnight Mister Tom). This book is a very famous and popular text and it tells the story of a young boy from London, William Beech, evacuated to the countryside at the start of World War Two. In lessons this week we investigated the features of a diary entry and wrote in role as William after his first week in an unfamiliar setting.

In Numeracy, both Year 5 and 6 have been looking at place value and in Year 5 we have used number lines to order numbers up to 1 million.

In Science the children looked at life cycles of various animal groups and compared different groups such as birds and mammals.

Our topic this term is Time Tunnel, which is history based and in class this week the children had to sort a range of historical events and dates into chronological order and place accurately on a time line. 

In PE we are doing both basketball and football and were very fortunate that the weather was so good this afternoon, as we were able to go onto the school field.

Well done for all your efforts, have a great weekend everyone!


Mr Ramsden & Miss Harris