Term 1 Week 6 11/10/24

Good afternoon parents, another busy, productive week has been completed! That's six now, two more to go and then it's a well deserved half-term holiday for everyone.

In Literacy the children have been writing a 'Hot Write' all week, which is a large extended piece of independent writing over many pages! The theme was a journey by an evacuee child and was based loosely on our class text 'Good night Mister Tom'.

In Numeracy, Year 6 have been investigating forms of division this week, including short and long division involving remainders. Year 5 have been studying multiples and factors and move onto prime, square and cubed numbers next week.

We had a long Geography session this week looking at Maidstone maps, both old and new, and designing our own maps of our local areas using Ordinance Survey Map symbols.

In RE we looked at what happens at a Christian funeral service and in PSHE we looked at how we resolves conflicts and disagreements. 

Science this week involved classification of leaves and PE took us both onto the playground for basketball and the field today for football!

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Ramsden