Term 1 Week 7 18/10/24

Good afternoon parents and carers and welcome to our penultimate blog of Term 1. This term has been longer than others, but the children continue to work hard and work well in the classroom and I have been pleased with their learning over a range of subjects.

In Literacy, we finally completed the story 'Goodnight Mister Tom.' The film even received a round of applause at the end, which was lovely to hear as it showed me how engaged the class were in the story line and subject matter. Their enjoyment for the text has benefitted their learning in our topic 'Time Tunnel' especially earlier in the week when we spent a session looking at the causes, consequences and impact on the British people of 'The Blitz'.

In Numeracy, Year 5 this week have been looking at primes, squares and cubes (and had fun using multi-link cubes to answer some selected questions!) Year 6 focused on mental calculations this week, including estimates and also multi-step problems involving a range of number operations.

In Science, the class used their understanding of the animal groups (e.g. mammals, reptiles, etc) to provide a 'Guess Who I Am?' factfile using classification keys and yes/no questions.

In RE, the class looked at how non-religious groups view death and the afterlife, which led to a lively debate about 'living your best life' and what the children would have on their bucket list of things to do and see throughout their lifetimes!

Yesterday, the weather was lovely so we found ourselves on the playground in a lively session of basketball.

Talking of the playground, in today's newsletter there will be a QR code for Year 6 parents to click on to access 'Bikeability' This is a cycling safety programme that will be run by external instructors on the week starting Monday 11th November. 

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Ramsden