It has been a busy second week, getting to know more about the earliest humans and how they lived. We have continued reading the story of 'Stig of the Dump' and used our knowledge of noun phrases and apostrophes to write a character description of Stig.
In Maths, Year 3 have been learning about representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000, whereas Year 4 have been learning about numbers up to 10,000!
In History we learnt about the early Stone Age life by looking at artefacts found at Durrington Walls (a site significant during the Stone Age). We discovered they used to live as solitary hunter gatherers before forming small tribes and eventually larger settlements. In Science we used our history knowledge to compare the diets of the Stone Age people to our own and look at which would have been more nutritious. In Art we explored the Lascaux caves and looked at the amazing cave paintings preserved there, we then analysed the paintings to look for common themes and what we did and didn't like about them.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.