Term 1 Week 3

This week we have been learning about newspaper reports in our Literacy. We had a chance to explore some real newspapers; looking at the features and thinking about how they helped the reader. We then did interviews as 'Barney' to give us inspiration for some quotes we could add to our reports using inverted commas for direct speech. 

In Maths we have all be learning about number and place value together through some worded questions and exploring how we can compare numbers using the value of different digits in a number. 

In our History learning, we learnt about chronology and placed the key periods of the Stone Age onto a timeline to see how close they are to the present day. In Music we practiced using chords to play some simple compositions on the ukulele. In Science we explored how a human body digests food and even walked through a giant digestive system out on the playground! Finally we are lucky enough to be working with Commando Josh this term, working on different skills to complete challenges. This weeks challenge was about building teamwork to make models out of a selection of sports equipment. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.