Term 2 Week 1

We have had a busy first week back, and have already been exploring our new topic: Land, Sea and Sky. In Literacy we started our learning with a 'Let's say' lesson exploring the tropical rainforests and discussing what animals and plants we could see. Then we discovered the rainforest we had just explored is about to be cut down.  This then linked to our next text Where the Forest meets the Sea which we have used to write setting descriptions using noun phrases and exploring the senses.

In Maths Year 3 have been looking at multiplication and quick recall of the times table facts. Year 4 have been looking at finding the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares. 

In Geography we used atlases to locate the major bodies of water around Europe and plot these on a map. In Art we looked at the sculptor Michelle Reader and evaluated her work. In Science we looked at how we could group animals in different ways and how to tell if something is living or not living. In Computing we are looking at photo editing and learnt the skills of rotating and cropping which we then applied to some photos. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Mr Saunders.