Term 2 Week 4

Our class image

Our class image

Jenson's image

Jenson's image

Jude's image

Jude's image

Mia's image

Mia's image

This week we have been looking at the structure of adventure stories and how we can use the features we have learnt so far this year to engage the reader. We practised using inverted commas to punctuate speech, and researched what animals would have been found in the pre-historic Daintree forest before writing the next section of our story. We described the characters’ journey into the forest as they imagined all the amazing animals that once roamed the area.

In Maths Year 4 have been looking at the division and multiplication rules for 1, 0 and numbers that divided by themselves. Year 3 have reviewed the eight times table and practiced using their 2 and 4 times table recall to work out division facts.

In Geography this week we produced fact files about Rio De Janiero, a region in Brazil, and compared it to our learning on an area of the UK – Kent. We found lots of differences. In RE we looked at what Christmas beliefs and traditions there are and thought about the differences. In our Computing we learnt about combining images and practiced on some photographs we were given before starting our final project next week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.