Our favourite descriptive phrases for the Iron Man
Our table of electrical and non-electrical items
Anthony trying to write an algorithm to draw the pattern on his whiteboard
Arthur and Oliver managed to complete the algorithm challenge
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and wish you a Happy New Year.
The children have already been busy getting into their new Literacy text, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been looking at how Ted Hughes uses different language features in his stories and practiced using these to describe our own monsters. We then did a 'Let's say...' lesson where we thought about all the historic events the cliffs would have seen before the Iron Man came crashing over the top.
In Maths Year 4 have looked at factor pairs, and how to multiply and divide by multiples of 10. Year 3 have been looking at multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers.
In our History we are learning about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. We looked at why the Romans would want to invade and how there were two unsuccessful attempts before the Roman Emperor Claudius conquers Britain. In our DT we will be designing an electric buzzer game, so have evaluated some existing children's toys to get ideas about how to persuade our consumers to buy them. In our Science we looked at what electrical and non-electrical items we could find. Finally in our computing we are learning about coding and how to create algorithms. The children have enjoyed using Turtle Academy and can have a go at home using the link.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.