This week in our Literacy learning we have been looking at features of instructions. We have learnt about imperative verbs, adverbs to show time and manner and used these to write instructions for how to build a trap to catch the Iron Man. Finally this week we thought about inferring characters' feelings and wrote quotes for the main characters so far in the story to express how they are feeling in preparation for our news reports next week.
In Maths Year 4 have been looking at using multiplication facts to allow us to partition and represent numbers and mentally multiply larger numbers before moving onto column multiplication. Year 3 have been looking at formal methods for dividing 2digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.
In our History we learnt all about Hadrian's wall and the impact it had on Britain at the time of building it. In our Science we looked at the components of simple circuits and used the electrical resources to build circuits of our own. In our PSHE learning we looked at ways of keeping ourselves safe online.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.