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Anthony's image
Evie's image
Abira's image
This week in our Literacy learning we have been planning our own stories inspired by George's Marvellous Medicine. We have created our own characters, one good and one nasty, and planned our potions in preparation for our hot writes next week.
In Maths Year 4 have been looking at how to convert and represent fractions as decimals. Year 3 have been looking at comparing, adding and subtracting masses.
In our Geography learning this week we looked at exports from around the world and which export made different countries the most money. In RE we looked at the festival of Diwali and made our own lamps. In Computing we looked at who owns the internet and how we need to be careful with what we put online as images can be easily manipulated. We proved this by using our photo editing skills from Term 2 to manipulate a simple cartoon image. Have a look at some of our creations.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon.