Term 5 Week 2

It has been another exciting week this week as we have continued our new topic Inventions that Changed the World. 

In Literacy we have continued to read the story of Danny the Champion of the World and have been focusing on using a range of Literacy devices to create detailed setting descriptions. 

In Maths Year 4 have started to look at money and how this links to our learning on decimals from last week. Year 3 have been finishing off their learning on fractions, finding fractions of amounts. 

In History we looked at the life of George Stephenson and how his invention, the steam locomotive, helped the Industrial Revolution. In DT we looked at how to design our own kites, which we will be making later in the term. In Science we investigated how cars move on different surfaces and linked this to last weeks learning on forces. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.