Term 5 Week 3

It has been a slightly shorter but still busy week this week. We have continued our story in Literacy, learning all about the nasty Mr Victor Hazell who terrorises Danny and his father. We had a go at describing our own villains, using verbs and adjectives accurately to characterise them. 

In Maths we have all been working on money. Year 3 have been working on the value of the different coins and Year 4 have been learning to solve problems using money. 

In Science we looked at magnets and investigated which items around the classroom were magnetic and which were not. In our History we prepared presentations on famous inventors from history and how their inventions help shape the world we live in today. In DT we designed our final kites in preparation for making them next week. If you haven't already, please send your child in with a plastic bag for them to make their kite with. 

We hope you have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.