Term 5 Week 4

It has been another fantastic week, made even better by the sunshine. In Literacy we have been learning about different ways to interest the reader in a story by using pronouns to avoid repetition and inverted commas to punctuate speech. 

In Maths, Year 4 have been finishing off their learning on money by looking at finding change and converting from pounds to pence. Year 3 have been looking at adding different amounts of money and solving worded problems. 

In DT the children were very excited to finally build their kites. We are hoping to take them to the field to try and get them to fly next week. The children also really enjoyed their Science lesson, learning about how magnets can act across a distance. The children were using magnets to get a paperclip to float in mid-air and were amazed when they finally achieved it. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.