Term 6 Week 2

It has been another busy week, and Elm Class have been working hard on their new topic - Success with Silver. 

In Literacy, we have continued learning about the life and achievements of Usain Bolt. We used formal language to write an introduction to his biography, and then used our retrieval skills to locate key facts about his life and career. 

In Maths we started the week as a whole class looking at different mathematical investigations related to the Olympic games. This was a retrieval of several different skills that we have learnt across the year. In the later part of the week, Year 4 continued their learning on shape, and Year 3 looked at time problems using their learning on time so far. 

In Geography we looked compass points and described the location of Olympic host cities using the 8 points of the compass. In Computing we looked at how technology has changed over time and the impact this has had on our lives and how we can stay safe when using technology. In Science, we designed our own menu to try and use the principles of a balanced diet. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.