Term 6 Week 5

This week in our Literacy learning we have been completing our Hot Writes. The children have all chosen a hero that they look up to and respect, researched their lives and then written autobiographies for them. The children have worked really hard on their learning and have produced some amazing finished pieces. 

This week in Maths, Year 4 have been starting their learning on coordinates. Year 3 have been learning about parallel and perpendicular lines and identifying 2D and 3D shapes. 

It was Sports Day this week! The children gave their all as they competed in a carousel of activities and then competed in running races to finish off the morning. They were all amazing and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

In Science this week we learnt about the skeletons of humans and other animals and their primary functions. In Geography we produced PowerPoints looking at the human geography of Paris and Maidstone and thinking about whether it would be possible for Maidstone to host the next Olympics. 

Please remember it is our class trip to Gravity on Tuesday. If you haven't already signed the wavier, please ensure this is done before the day or your child will not be able to take part. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Saunders and Mrs Hendry.