Welcome back!

We hope you have all had a lovely summer and are back ready for a year of amazing learning. We have been making sure everything is ready for your return. 

Our first topic is Footprints from the Past, learning all about the changes from the earliest human civilisation up to the Bronze age and how this links to the civilisation we still have today. We will be using Stig of the Dump as our focus text in Literacy. 

In Elm class we want the children to be as independent as possible so they will find all the resources they need in their table trays, or in clearly labelled places around the classroom. Please try to avoid bringing in any large pencil cases as all resources needed for learning will be provided. Children will also have their own tray under their table to keep personal items in that are needed for their learning, these should not include toys or fidgets.

Children should be picked up at the end of the day from the glass double doors opposite the classroom, children must be collected by an adult and should make their teacher aware they are going so this may take longer this week while we get to know new faces. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all back!

Mr Saunders and Mrs Mallon