Week 6
This week, Year 1 and Year 2 have been fully immersed in learning their 2, 5, and 10 times tables—what a fantastic effort from all the children! The Year 2 students have also discovered the concept of commutativity, grasping how numbers can be rearranged in multiplication.
In English, we creatively wrote instructions on how to make our delightful sock puppets, ensuring we included time conjunctions and bossy verbs—what a fun challenge!
During our Design Technology lessons, we evaluated our wonderful creations, discussing their strengths and areas for improvement.
In Science, the children continued their exploration of materials, grouping them according to their properties using a Venn diagram, which sparked lots of interesting conversation.
Finally, in Art, we were inspired by the stunning works of John Constable, and each student expressed their creativity by painting their own masterpiece!
It’s been a week filled with learning and fun! I hope you all have a lovely half term and we will see you back in school on the 24th February.