Spring Term 2- Week 5

This Week's Adventures in Learning!

What a fantastic week we’ve had at school! In English, we've delved into the captivating structure of poetry, crafting our own non-rhyming poems about the mythical creatures we invented. Remembering to place commas after each verse and using full stops at the end of each stanza was a bit tricky, but we managed brilliantly!

In Maths, we’ve been presenting data in various ways, mastering tally marks, pictograms, and block diagrams. Our science lessons took us on an exploration of minibeasts, investigating the microhabitats they inhabit and discovering why these little critters choose their homes. We learned that a good microhabitat provides food, shelter, protection, and air.

In Geography, we created detailed maps of our school and used keys to indicate locations and in RE we learnt about the story of Noah's ark which can be found in the Bible, Torah and the Quran. The children created their own rainbows and wrote their hopes for the world.