Summer Term 1 - Week 3

Week 3

This week in Maths we have begun our next unit which is 'Fractions.' We have learnt that fractions are an equal part of a whole object or quantity. We have been learning about equal and unequal parts and have been identifying when objects or shapes have been split into equal or unequal parts. We have also been working on our reasoning and explaining why we think this.

In English this week we have been focusing on description. We have been writing similes to describe the Last Lynx and the Last Wolf from our focus text. We have also been making sure we use the correct punctuation. Year 1s have been improving their use of capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks.  Year 2s have additionally been improving their use of apostrophes.

In D&T we planned our watering devices that we will be making in two weeks time. In Science we continued to identify and name wild and garden plants.  We also created block diagrams to show what plants we spotted around Park Way. In Computing we have started to learn how to group data using Excel.