Hello :)
What a fantastic start to Term 3; I hope everyone had a wonderful and refreshing break!
This week, our incredible Ivy Class children have tried really hard with all aspects of their learning.
- In Literacy, we have started a new story for this term; the children thoroughly enjoyed listening to Traction Man and have really engaged in building sentences using adjectives to try and persuade Mrs Healey to buy this amazing super-toy!
- In Maths, we have been consolidating our number bonds and fact families to 20 whilst beginning to familiarise ourselves with numbers to 100!
- In RE we were introduced to Judaism, learning about how this differs from Christianity and reflected on our own beliefs.
- In PE the children have been doing gymnastics with Miss Muddassir and Multi-skills and games with myself. With me, they practiced their jumping skills, focusing on different types of jumps and making sure they do this safely. We have learnt to always bend the knees when landing!
- In science, we have been learning about materials. We went on a scavenger hunt for various materials and even distinguished objects from their materials.
Gentle reminders and notes:
- We are looking to collect small, empty cardboard boxes for our RE lesson Friday. Toothpaste boxes and Smarties boxes will be ideal.

- PE will continue on a Tuesday, please ensure earrings are out. Unfortunately if children cannot remove their earrings, they are unable to participate in the practical element of PE.
Happy weekend all!
Miss Bird & Mrs Healey