Term 3 Week 4

Hello everyone! :) 

What a productive week we have had! Let's keep up the momentum as we hurtle towards the end of term!

What have we been up to... 

  • In Literacy, we have been exploring a new text "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig" - a bit of a twist on the traditional tale. We have been introduced to book reviews and have had a go at identifying features of this.
  • In Maths, we have been consolidating place value, ensuring we can solve missing number problems as well as breaking numbers into tens and ones!  Some of us could do this with numbers to 100!
  • In Art we continued to explore the art of John Constable using our drawing skills to create art in the style of our focus artist. We also crossed this over with History looking at Leeds Castle, drawing this.  
  • In RE we begun to watch 'The Prince of Eygpt' learning to understand the story of Passover (Pesach) and explain what it means for the Jewish people - this will be continued next week. 
  • In PE we were very active in learning to use our hands to throw, catch and bounce balls. We really kept our eye on the ball and will continue to work on our accuracy and power!
  • In science we explored the properties of materials even challenging ourselves to think why particular objects are made of particular materials.

So as you can see, we have had a very busy week!

Gentle reminders and notes:

  • Lost property is increasing; please ensure clothing is named!
  • Please encourage children to become increasingly independent at handing in their reading records daily. Whilst I am reminding the children 3 times a day to hand them in, we are still having children hand in their records at the end of the day once there is no time left to change them. Thank you for your continued support. 

Have a wonderful weekend all!