Hello everyone! :)
Another week closer to the end of term but don’t worry; Ivy Class have not run out of steam yet!
What have we been up to...
- In Literacy, we continued exploring the text "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig" - we used adjectives to describe the characters whilst thinking about our favourite parts for our book review. We had a go at writing our own reviews about the story.
- In Maths, we’ve been counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10! We also applied our knowledge of this to solve word problems. Ivy Class were fantastic at this!
- In Art we continued to develop our artist skills using different tools to help us add colour to our art. We used soft pastels to blend and also thought about how we can represent light and dark shadows.
- In DT we had lots of fun bringing our designs to life! We made outstanding sock puppets and it was so lovely to see not only how invested Ivy Class were in crafting their designs but also the level of maturity and sharing within the class. I know the Ivy team are very proud!
- In PE we continued to use our hands to throw, catch and bounce balls. We will continue to work on our accuracy and power!
- In science we sorted materials into groups by property. The children really considered how materials can have more than one property.
Another fantastically productive week!
Gentle reminders and notes:
- Lost property is increasing; please ensure clothing is named!
- Please encourage children to become increasingly independent at handing in their reading records daily. Whilst I am reminding the children 3 times a day to hand them in, we are still having children hand in their records at the end of the day once there is no time left to change them. Thank you for your continued support.
Have a wonderful weekend all.