Term 6 Week 3

Our Wonderful World of Culture!

Our Wonderful World of Culture!

Sharing stories from different places

Sharing stories from different places

Well Done Everyone

Well Done Everyone

Hello all!

We have had such a fantastic time celebrating Diversity Week and learning about different places and cultures around the world! We were so busy; we visited other classes AND hosted a parent's visit to show off our amazing learning and try something new from various cultures!

So what have we been up to?

Maths: Children have been learning about position and direction; we are experts at quarter, half, 3-quarter and whole turns as well as knowing our lefts and rights! :)

Literacy: The children have been learning about various cultures from around the world and part of this has been looking at alternative versions of well-known and well-loved stories. We looked at 'Waynetta and the Cornstalk" and how this differs from Jack and the Beanstalk. We then used our descriptive writing skills and adjectives to write another alternative version!

Our afternoons have looked very different this week. We were fortunate enough to carousel between the KS1 classes to learn about different countries and continents. We learnt to play African games, identify famous Asian landmarks AND learn all about Australia! We had so much fun learning about all the different and wonderful cultures at Park Way! :)

We also visited Walnut Class as they had been working hard on their projects; they invited us into their class, presented their projects about various places around the world and even had lots of activities for Ivy Class to do. A huge thank you and well done to Walnut Class!

On Friday, we got to celebrate Diversity Week by wearing clothes from our own culture or the country we are from. We invited our parents in to visit in the afternoon and we showed off all of our hard work! We also brought in various foods and drinks from around the world to try! Very delicious! 

Thank you all for such a wonderful week full of hard work! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



  • Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school - especially as the weather gets warmer!
  • With sports day coming up next week, please ensure your child has the correct PE uniform and a bottle in school. Team coloured top, black shorts/joggers, black plimsols/trainers, spare socks (for those who wear tights), spare hairband (for those with long hair)
  • We will be visiting St Martin's Church again on Wednesday 3rd July. This time it is to learn about Christian weddings. We need 2/3 adults to accompany us from 09:00am - 11:00am (approx.). Please let me know if you are able to help - it will be very much appreciated. The children will not be taking part in any form of worship whilst at the church.

Miss Bird & Mrs Finnis