Week ending 7th February 2025

The children have really enjoyed their learning recently especially in science and DT.  Please ask them about it - I'm sure they would love to tell you.

In literacy this week, we got the chance to write instructions to rebuild the Iron Man. It was fantastic to see the children's understand and learning in this way.

In maths, we took trundle wheels out to the playground to measure the perimeter so that we could then design our new playground markings, ensuring that they would fit.  It turned into a bit of a competition to see who could get the most accurate measurements!

The home reading challenge has really improved too; it’s wonderful to see everyone growing in confidence as the children are reading on a daily basis.

Plus, we are practicing for an amazing class assembly to showcase all our hard work and learning for next Friday (14th February 2025).

It’s been a busy time, but so enjoyable! I can’t wait to see what we’ll explore next!