Hello :)
A huge welcome back and a Happy New Year to all of our Oak Class children and families!
We have jumped straight back into outstanding learning this week where we have begun a new focus book - Traction Man! The book talks about an action figure who goes above and beyond to save all the toys around him and defeats various villians including some mysterious toes! Oak Class have loved the story and have begun to look at the features of a letter in order to write their own about why we should get a Traction Man for our classroom!
This week we have been focusing on our number knowledge including using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20 in order to derive facts all the way up to 100! We have continued to challenge ourselves with our times tables and have shown some amazing skills on TT Rockstars.
This week we have looked at what everyday materials we can identify around us and have begun to look at why they might have been chosen for the objects they are used for. We have also gone back in time for our history lessons and looked at a significant individual who lived in Maidstone called James Whatman. He ran a papermill in the 1700s, playing a huge role in the paper industry.
P.E. is on a Wednesday this term so please ensure that your child has their P.E. kits in school and that any earrings are removed. Thank you.