Term 4 week 3

Hello :) 

I am so proud of Oak Class and all the amazing learning that they have been doing this term so far. 


In English this week we have finished looking at information texts. Oak Class have looked at the structure of a non-fiction text and combined their knowledge of sentence structure and animal recognition in order to write some outstanding information texts on polar bears! We have continued to challenge our vocabulary choices and have built on our tier 3 vocabulary! 


In maths this week we have been looking at measure. Oak Class have wielded rulers, metre sticks and tape measures throughout the week and successfully measured the length of a variety of different objects. They have referred to previous knowledge, including <,> and = symbols in order to compare length and have continued to amaze me with their recall of their times tables. 


This week we have been extremely busy as always! In P.E. we have been focusing on three skills: 

  • throwing 
  • catching 
  • jumping 

Oak Class have developed all three using a variety of different equipment and were able to tell me ways in which they could improve their techniques! 

In Geography we have completed a comparison between the UK where we live and another island in South America called St Lucia. They have used their knowledge of human and physical geography in order to successfully compare the different locations and also compared the differences in climate! 


  • Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day. Children can wear something red to school.
  • Monday 24th March - Key Stage 1 school trip to St Martin's Church (more details about this will be on the newsletter this week). We need 1 adult to accompany us on the short walk from 10:00 - 11:45
  • Thursday 3rd April - Key Stage 1 school trip to Maidstone Museum. If you are able to help with the school trip, please let me know.