Term 5 week 5

Hello :) 

Oak Class have worked very hard this week with their learning and have really shown some incredible retrieval of previous learning! 


This week we have really focused on our phonics to help us read a variety of multi-syllable words both familiar and unfamiliar. We have used this knowledge of previously taught phonemes to help us with our spelling and are developing a good bank of strategies to support with spelling words in our writing. 


In maths this week we have been focusing on retrieval of our fractions knowledge. Oak Class are able to identify halves and quarters of objects, quantities and numbers using the bar model to support them. 


In the afternoons, Oak Class have been just as busy. In our PSHE lessons we have been discussing money and jobs. Oak Class have discussed the different jobs they would like to do when they grow up and have been learning about all the different skills they will need in order to achieve their chosen goals. We have also continued to explore plants and their basic structure and functions including trees.

Oak Class continue to amaze me with their artistic skills. Using their focus sculpture as inspiration and a range of materials they have created their own sculptures ready for painting next week. 


We are Kent Life on Monday 20th May. Please ensure your child arrives promptly to school and wears appropriate footwear. They still need to be in school uniform. We are very excited for our trip and hope to share all the amazing learning we do whilst there soon!