End of Term 2 - 20/12/24

An end to another fantastic term. It has been a busy one with lots of fun festivities. Some of our children are in the school choir and they sang at a local care home. KS2 sang some Christmas songs to the parents as they came to collect their children on Thursday. We've had Christmas school dinner and finished the term with a Christmas party!

In Literacy this week, we looked at the poem T'was The Night Before Christmas. We explored the rhyming pattern, figurative language and finding the meaning of unknown words. We used the poem to design a new sleigh for Santa using Tinkercad. We created a Christmas themed game on Scratch and wrote instructions on how to play it. This linked to developing our Computing skills. 

In Maths, we have used our skills and knowledge to complete Christmas based problem solving activities.

In Science, we completed our games based on our topic this term of animals and plants. There have been some great ideas and games played.

In DT, we have designed, created and evaluated Christmas decorations. 


School returns on Monday 6th January 2025.

Our PE days will be Thursday and Friday next term. Please wear the correct PE kit and not designer tracksuits or clothes with logos.

Our class assembly is Friday 17th January at 9.00am.

All that is left for me to say is HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone.

See you in the New Year, 

Mr Bowles, Miss Rackley and Mrs Morris