Term 1, Week 2 - 13/9/24

Wow, what a lovely week. Rowan Class has produced some amazing learning that they should be proud of – the adults are!

This week, in English, we have begun to look at our focus text: Goodnight, Mister Tom. We have had good conversations about what it means to be an evacuee and what it might feel like to be one in World War 2. We have looked at features of a diary and wrote one of our own as if we were William (one of the main characters from the book).

In Maths, Year 5 and 6 have looked at place value and partitioning numbers up to 1,000,000. The children have also looked at changing the digit values by adding or subtracting powers of 10, 100 and 1,000. We have also looked at writing numbers in words, too.

In History, we have looked at chronological order and timelines. During RE, the children explored beliefs about what happens after death. For computing, this week, we explored how some systems work in our daily lives. In PE we began our Football topic and practice kicking and stopping the ball. We also built our teamwork skills by playing team games.

During Science, we have explored life cycles of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles and compared them to each other to explore the similarities and differences.

This week, we also continued to look at respect for PSHE and how we would like to be shown respect by others.

Well done to Bobby and Kiara for collecting the most team points this week! It has been a full week of learning, we hope you all rest well over the weekend.

Mr Bowles, Mrs Morris and Miss Rackley.